3 Axle Lpg Gas Tank Semi Trailer
Low Bed Trailer
SHACMAN F3000 Tractor Truck
Flatbed Pillar Trailer
SUNSKY VEHICLE, a manufacturer of flatbed semi-trailers, has found that the Flatbed Pillar Trailer i...
Especially designed for fuel transportation in Africa, but also for oil and palm oil transportation, as well as water, Sunsky brand tanker semi trailers are mainly manufactured not only in carbon steel but alsoin stainless steel and aluminum alloy.
The conditions of road in Africa and the track can be very harsh for the equipment, it is why sunsky tanker semi trailers are reinforced in high tensile steel Q345 with a minimum thickness of 5mm for the tank shell and 6mm for the dish ends. Furthermore our gravity center is as low as possible to minimize the risks of overturns. Every years hundreds of tanker semi trailers overturns on African tracks and road because of equipment not fitted for the conditions with gravity center too high. It course you loose your tanker and truck.
Sunsky tanker semi trailers can also be manufactured in stainless steel or with epoxy jet coating on steel Q345, previously sandblasted SA2.5 for JET A1 transportation.
Sunsky tanker semi trailer can be also designed in aluminum and stainless steel for corrosive liquid and food grade drink like beer and drinking water.
Sunsky tanker semi trailers are perfectly oil and water tight. With capacity ranging from 30 000 liters to 55 000 liters, Sunsky tanker semi trailers can be designed according customer requirements and specification, Which can be installed airbag suspension or spring suspension, dual tires or supersingle tires.